Weeee!! It's been sometimes since I post about my lunch huh?! ahah! Ok! Here's one :). Last week, Friday.. myself, cherrie, smashpOp, Jason, Shirley, Naomi & Yow went for lunch at Yuen Palace at Sri Petaling. Very nice foods... price is very reasonable & good services :). Here are some of the shots taken that day with my D50 ;)
The exorbitant price of replica handbags and purses surely make them luxurious product, a passion of highly rich and elite class. Serving its customers for the past 150 years, replica handbags and purses are designed and developed on the constant pursuit of the quality. The skilled and experienced designers of replica bags are always on the mission of designing designer replica handbags and purses that can simply be termed as awesome and marvelous.
The exorbitant price of replica handbags and purses surely make them luxurious product, a passion of highly rich and elite class. Serving its customers for the past 150 years, replica handbags and purses are designed and developed on the constant pursuit of the quality. The skilled and experienced designers of replica bags are always on the mission of designing designer replica handbags and purses that can simply be termed as awesome and marvelous.