Monday, November 22, 2010

6 preview shots from Sepang Gold Coast!

Hi all,

Yesterday was a AMAZING day! Why? Cos myself and bunch of OSUM bloggers (Feeq, Jason, Jeremy, Justin, Victoria, Patrick & Feeq's housemate) went to Sepang GoldCoast to shoot da sunset. We drove all the way there from Taylor's Lakeside Campus. Oh! Did you all noticed that yesterday's weather was so so so good? THANK GOD! I was a bit worried that it might rain, but NO! heheh. Perfecto weather! :D

Here are some shots to share! More after pending posts! :)

Thanks Jeremy for this aweeeesomeeee shot of me jumping! Woot!


  1. Ini lagi kiasu.. 6 gambar.. mine 5 only XD

  2. Ape ni! Jeremy Lompat, block my face! =__=

  3. Feeq>> ahahha! cannot is it lol
    justin>> ahha tu la jump lagi :P

    wen>> thanks bro!
