Few hours ago, me and my sis went to KLPAC for outdoor shooting. This is my very first time bringing out my D50 out of my house lol. Once reach, I walked around taking pictures, testing out the functions available in D50. Weather was kinda bad, no blue sky, only Haze! :(. Below are some of the potraits shots of us in Black & White format. Tomorrow, I'll post other shots taken around there :).
The drug manufacturer is keeping the original name, Viagra online for Indian market due to its popularity. Till now, cheap Viagra was imported and sold through the black-market route and the most popular local formulations cost around Rs 80 for a pack of four tablets. The craze of Buy Cialis is unfazed as it's immensely beneficial for the men suffering from erectile dysfunction.
The drug manufacturer is keeping the original name, Viagra online for Indian market due to its popularity. Till now, cheap Viagra was imported and sold through the black-market route and the most popular local formulations cost around Rs 80 for a pack of four tablets. The craze of Buy Cialis is unfazed as it's immensely beneficial for the men suffering from erectile dysfunction.